Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sharing The Lime Light

(or in this case it could be sunlight, or candlelight, or carb-lite)

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

     As I have previously mentioned in passing my younger sister Heather writes her own blog called View To The Point where she reviews restaurants, gives helpful cooking tips, etc.That being so, we have decided to join forces every once in a while and combine our interests in order to provide you with creative ideas. We are not one-hundred percent sure as to what we will be covering since we are still in the planning stages, but as of thus far we are thinking about recipes, catering tips, decor ideas, party planning help, and perhaps even some health and body DIYs.
     As always, if there is anything you would like covered, or something you want to share. Go for it! We would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Mom's Birthday

As I mentioned earlier my mom's birthday is really close to Mother's Day. This being so we celebrated on Sunday. By we I mean my mom, sister, her husband, my boyfriend, and myself. Being that my mom is wildly in love with Westies Heather, my sister, and I made a vintage inspired pennant banner that was held in place by two Westie silhouettes. To top it off Heather made a simple square cake with another of my Westie silhouettes to pull the whole thing together. And now I get to shamelessly plug my sister's blog by re-posting her link to the cake picture. As for the gift, my sister and I took pictures of ourselves and put them in a frame that just screamed my mom. I will be sure to post some when I get more time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mother's Day

      I don't post my Polyvore ideas here often, but 
seeing as how this is dedicated to my mom for her 
birthday and Mother's Day, I thought I would let all 
of you in on the fun.  
    Wishing all of you mothers out there a joyous 
Mother's Day. May it be full of unforgetable memories.

English Breakfast

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


 Since Spring is here in full force and the weather, most days, is so beautiful it makes it next to impossible to go to work I thought I would do a few more DIYs that are very season related. So, stay tuned for more great ideas and be sure to check daily for the Tip Of The Day!